Facebook for Blackberry 2.0 Final telah hadir di App World setelah sekian lama ditunggu dan hanya tersedia di Blackberry Beta Zone.
Hadir dengan banyak fitur baru seperti facebook chat, places, event, privacy control, dll membuat Facebook for Blackberry kini memiliki fungsi yang setara saat di akses di browser komputer.
Dukungan Wifi membuat applikasi FB tidak perlu lagi memerlukan koneksi BIS untuk tersambung ke internet, hal yang tentu akan mempercepat akses dan mempermudah user bila tidak memiliki langganan paket BIS ataupun saat koneksi BIS tidak stabil.
Fitur Facebook for Blackberry 2.0 :
- Facebook Places, share lokasi ke teman dan dengan siapa saja saat ini beraktivitas
- Facebook Events. Melihat event, ulang tahun dan menerima notifikasi untuk setiap undangan event. User juga dapat melihat detail event seperti waktu, tempat dan tamu yang datang; user juga dapat RVSP suatu event.
- Privacy control untuk status updates. User dapat mengkontrol siapa saja yang dapat melihat status update yang dituliskan dengan mengklik icon gembok di pojok kanan bawah.
- Facebook Chat, chat dengan teman facebook memanfaatkan fitur push notification.
- User Interface lebih fresh
- News Feed lebih rapi
- Melihat siapa yg me- Like / Suka suatu posting atau foto.
- Drop-Down Navigation Grid
- Notifikasi baru “Today View”
- Interface baru untuk Profile Information
- Ribbon View menampilkan notifikasi external (contoh: pesan BBM, SMS dan Email)
- Dapat diakses melalui Wi-Fi
- Menghapus komentar dan posting
- Konfirmasi penghapusan post
- Support Handphone Blackberry mulai dari OS 4.5, OS5 dan OS6
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We are pleased to announce the availability of Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook 2.0 today in BlackBerry App World. Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook was the first optimized tablet Facebook application that offers users a highly engaging experience with access to popular features such as Facebook chat, video uploading and Places.
New features include:
- Facebook Places – Users choose to share where they are, what they are doing and who they are with – with Facebook friends. Get directions to and from a Facebook Places by clicking on the map image, which will seamlessly launch the Bing! Maps on the BlackBerry Playbook.
- Facebook Events – View events and birthdays and receive notifications of new invitations. View event details like the time, place, guest list and more. Users can even RSVP and write on the event’s Wall.
- View ‘Likes’ – See the names of the friends that ‘liked’ a user’s post. Users will also be able to tap their friends’ names to launch directly to their profiles.
- Privacy control on status updates – Control who can see each update users share. Simply click the lock icon in the lower-right corner of the status publisher to select who to make the status update visible to before posting it.
Also available today in BlackBerry App World, is the official Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones v2.0 app. Thanks to user feedback on the beta, this next generation app includes a sleek new user interface and many new features based on customer feedback, including Facebook Chat.
Facebook for Blackberry 2.0 dapat anda download melalui App World